Sulli IG 奇異發文,網友責怪男友(2016.03.30)
Sulli 3月27日在 Instagram 分享吃鮮奶油照片、影片,引起熱烈的討論與爭議。
在照片中,Sulli 開著裝滿奶油的嘴巴,躺在地上、手中握著奶油噴罐,姿勢和表情引人遐想,影片則是把奶油噴入嘴巴後、暫停,再把奶油吸入嘴中,除了想表達自己很愛奶油外,其他的舉動和作風都看似充滿著性暗示,許多粉絲、網友看過後紛紛留言表示影像內容相當不妥,也很擔心 Sulli 的狀況。
同時,也有網友將這些影像以「我覺得 Sulli 瘋了…」為標題,分享至韓國 Pann 論壇,並引起大量關注,參與討論的網友們認為影像內容過度性暗示,也很不適宜出現在 Sulli 的 Instagram 上。
■我是 Sulli 的超級粉絲… 一直都有關注她的 Instagram,但我 (在看到這照片/影片後) 真的無話可說了.. T_T」
■只有我被她的 PO 文嚇到嗎…?
有部分網友責怪男友 Choiza 或多或少需為 Sulli 的爭論事件負責:
■吃罐裝鮮奶油沒有什麼問題,但如果你看過影片,會發現影片看起來像某些成人影片,是有多喜歡鮮奶油,喜歡到要 PO 出這樣的影片?我知道有些不理智的粉絲總是護著她,但 Sulli 或許很享受這一切 (被攻擊後受袒護),是故意煽動粉絲的吧。如果再去看看 Sulli 之前的照片、影片,會發現 (風格) 毫無連接… Choiza 要對這一切負責。
■(回覆上篇) 真的… Sulli 之前就有因為 PO 文被批評過,但還是不管粉絲們對她的 PO 文有多敏感,依舊故我…
■去**的 Choiza。
在奶油照片之前受到抨擊的是2月24日的自拍照,照片中,Sulli 右手手背上畫著愛心,受抨擊的部分是照片左方的曝光畫面 (疑似內褲)。因為曝光的部分看似蕾絲邊的白內褲,讓人猜測她上半身裸空、過於性感而開始遭受攻擊,粉絲們看了擔心,就請 Sulli 撤下照片。
認為 Choiza 需要負責的網友提出了一些觀點,他們認為當 Choiza 不在 Sulli 身邊時,Sulli 才會有這類情況發生,且年長了12歲的 Choiza 應該負起 Sulli 現階段「人生導師」的責任,但他沒有,兩個主要觀點如下:
2) 在 Choiza 離開的這段期間,Sulli 分享了一些風格與以往大不相同的照片,網友認為:「或許 Sulli 現在擁有的一切只剩下 Choiza 了… 這代表當 Choiza 離開她身邊的那一天,她可能會陷入一個很危險的情況,就像是站在懸崖邊的人一樣… 我真的覺得 Choiza 要替 Sulli 的改變負起責任,相差了12歲的兩人,Choiza 應該要引領並指導年輕的 Sulli,但目前看起來事情是往反方向走了阿… Choiza 就這樣讓這些事情發生。我覺得 Sulli 內心還不夠成熟,也需要成年男性在各方面幫助她,如果就這樣只和放任她不管的人在一起,最後 Sulli 會覺得『受困』於這世界中吧… 」
Sulli 和經紀公司尚未為了此事作任何聲明,也沒有任何照片或影片被刪除。
Article: Sulli's whipped cream SNS picture under controversy, why?
Source: TV Report via Nate
1. [+2,720, -106] She's getting crazier
2. [+2,501, -93] She's scaring me, someone stop her
3. [+2,299, -92] She knows how people view her image right now and she should be refraining from causing more misunderstandings. She should know what this is doing to her image.
4. [+331, -5] Leave her alone, I want to see how far she'll go
5. [+320, -5] So this is how badly a man can ruin a woman
6. [+292, -3] Her face just looks high...
7. [+287, -9] Did SM throw Sulli out... why do they not manage her image at all? Is her contract almost expiring?
8. [+277, -4] Why does she think we care about what she's eating to the point of showing the inside of her mouth;;;;
9. [+276, -33] Birds of a feather... her and IU just continue to dig their own graves... such attention wh*res, please know where the limit is.
10. [+273, -5] Looks like Choiza's into some kinky stuff ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
11. [+233, -7] Choiza has ruined her...
12. [+203, -2] It's not just this one picture that people are calling controversial. If you look at Sulli's Instagram, there's a theme to her pictures where it looks like she's desperately trying to convey something. They're not normal and they're not bad either but they still leave an unsettling feeling when you look at them.
Pann: Choiza is currently not with Sulli
"Choiza left for America about three weeks ago. The day before he left, he wrote on a picture of Sulli with a soju bottle to 'knock it off with the drinking'.
During the three weeks Choiza has been away
from Korea, Sulli has been incessantly posting ambiguous pictures on Instagram
looking like she's desperately craving affection. Perhaps Choiza is now
everything to Sulli.
I'm starting to think Sulli will be left at
the edge of a cliff if Choiza ever were to leave her in the future. What did
Choiza do to this 19 year old girl that she's ended up like this... I honestly
think a significant portion of the blame goes to him. He is obviously an
influencial figure in her life and he should've done more as a boyfriend who is
almost an entire zodiac sign older than her but instead he's shoving her closer
and closer to the edge of the cliff and leaving her there. Sulli is clearly not
fully matured yet and needs an adult to think objectively for her. All Choiza
has done is lock her up in her own world and letting her drop further and
further down into a pit... Sulli-ya, please wake up."
1. [+451, -56] Choiza's an utter ba$tard if he ever dumps Sulli after taking her this far. She's gotten so weird since she started dating him. It's so obvious that she's not in the right state of mind and if Choiza dumps her now, he's trash. Choiza needs to get her mentality back somehow.
2. [+436, -47] I agree. It's unfair to absolve Choiza of any blame for this ㅋ He took a teen girl who was doing fine as an idol and ruined her after they started dating; He's a monster for even feeling such strong sexual desires to a teen like her and moving them into action. He's totally made her hit rock bottom.
3. [+390, -13] "The original meaning of this pose: a word used to describe a pose of someone expressing orgasmic pleasure"
1. [+451, -56] Choiza's an utter ba$tard if he ever dumps Sulli after taking her this far. She's gotten so weird since she started dating him. It's so obvious that she's not in the right state of mind and if Choiza dumps her now, he's trash. Choiza needs to get her mentality back somehow.
2. [+436, -47] I agree. It's unfair to absolve Choiza of any blame for this ㅋ He took a teen girl who was doing fine as an idol and ruined her after they started dating; He's a monster for even feeling such strong sexual desires to a teen like her and moving them into action. He's totally made her hit rock bottom.
3. [+390, -13] "The original meaning of this pose: a word used to describe a pose of someone expressing orgasmic pleasure"
4. [+321, -1] In three
years, Sulli will be 26 and Choiza will be 40;;; I honestly don't see them
getting married. If I were her parents... I'd be so upset.
5. [+310, -5] One thing's for sure, Choiza is not a good man... he fell for her face and seduced a girl who wasn't even an adult yet and let her run wild like this without teaching her right from wrong. He should be treating her as carefully as a flower but he let her run rampant instead.
6. [+307, -7] Doesn't Sulli have an oppa... I'd beat the crap out of Choiza if I were her oppa.
7. [+299, -6] I don't understand how Choiza publicly wrote on Sulli's drinking picture to "knock it off with the drinking"... He should be protecting her and treating her nicely in the public but look at the way he treats her even in his lyrics, "eat, sleep, do it"... ugh
8. [+245, -5] He felt sexual desire for this teen girl and went after her... so dirty
5. [+310, -5] One thing's for sure, Choiza is not a good man... he fell for her face and seduced a girl who wasn't even an adult yet and let her run wild like this without teaching her right from wrong. He should be treating her as carefully as a flower but he let her run rampant instead.
6. [+307, -7] Doesn't Sulli have an oppa... I'd beat the crap out of Choiza if I were her oppa.
7. [+299, -6] I don't understand how Choiza publicly wrote on Sulli's drinking picture to "knock it off with the drinking"... He should be protecting her and treating her nicely in the public but look at the way he treats her even in his lyrics, "eat, sleep, do it"... ugh
8. [+245, -5] He felt sexual desire for this teen girl and went after her... so dirty
9. [+236, -2] I think it's true... Choiza
has become "everything" to Sulli now...
10. [+162, -1] If we're talking about this in non-celebrity terms, it's the same as some 33 year old ajusshi dating a high school senior ㅋ
11. [+149, -0] I think Sulli is craving affection. She uploaded 47 pictures on Instagram in on week. She probably loves the comments from fans saying "we love you find strength Sulli" and continues to post more because she craves more love.
10. [+162, -1] If we're talking about this in non-celebrity terms, it's the same as some 33 year old ajusshi dating a high school senior ㅋ
11. [+149, -0] I think Sulli is craving affection. She uploaded 47 pictures on Instagram in on week. She probably loves the comments from fans saying "we love you find strength Sulli" and continues to post more because she craves more love.